Friday, February 16, 2007

Song Hae Kyo VS Ha ji-won In the Look Hwang Jin-Yi

Song hae kyo in Hwang Jin-Yi Korean movie version and Ha ji won in Hwang Jin-Yi KBS Korean drama version

The best artist of the Joseon era, Hwangjini is a talented dancer, musician and poet. She was born to a nobleman and a court dancer, and is destined to live as a dancer. Despite her inborn talent, she works hard to hone her skills. She falls in love with a nobleman but her first love ends up tragically due to differences in their social status, and eventually the man she loves dies.

Song Hye Gyo has been preparing intensely to take on the role of Hwang Jin-YI.
Song Hye Gyo has been taking lessons on traditional etiquette, how to wear a hanbok, and also working on her figure. Her preparations are being applied in her daily routine in her daily practices to cultivate her every movement and carriage to fit harmoniously with wearing a hanbok. Song Hye Gyo has also been watching her diet, and is practicing walking with short steps.

She is also studying the original work of Hwang Jin-YI' to become fully acquainted with her character. This movie will be quite a transformation for Song Hye Gyo who has mostly taken on roles of an innocent and vulnerable woman.

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